What Is the Difference Between Species Rhododendrons and Hybrids?
Rhododendron buds about to open.
Most of the rhododendrons you see in Seattle are hybrids. They are the result of cross-breeding done to produce plants of certain sizes, with certain leaf textures and flower colors.
Species rhododendrons are are wild rhododendrons that evolve naturally - no grafting or cross-pollination. What you see is what nature intended. The state flower of Washington state, Rhododendron macrophyllum, is an example of a native species rhododendron. Other names for this plant are California rosebay and big leaf rhododendron. This rhodie is drought tolerant and likes more sun than other varieties. If you plant one, give it an open spot with dappled light.
Species rhododendrons can be found on every continent in the world, except Antarctica. If you would like to see more examples of these beautiful shrubs, April and May are excellent months to visit the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden in Federal Way. The garden features rhododendrons from around the world in a woodland setting, with a blue poppy meadow that blooms in spring, and a tropical conservatory. Look for plant sales at the garden in spring and fall.
Right now we have new shipments of hybrids, many that are just beginning to bloom. We also have a good selection of species rhodies from Chimicum Woods Nursery .